Reactions poured in from European representatives who condemned Turkey for the long sentences handed down to pro-Kurdish politicians in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case. Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, the former Co-Chairs of the People’s Democratic Party-HPD, were sentenced to decades of imprisonment.
On 16 May, a Turkish court convicted 24 out of 108 members of the progressive People’s Democratic Party – HDP on baseless ‘terrorism-related’ charges. Among the 24 convicted political leaders are Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, former co-chairs of the party, who were sentenced to prison terms of 30 and 42 years respectively.
The Kobane Conspiracy Case is a trial based on conspiracy, linked to the protests between 6-8 October 2014. These are fabricated allegations, and there is no doubt that the Kobane Conspiracy Case is purely a politically motivated case and have absolutely nothing to do with the law. The Case was an expression of preventing the solution of the Kurdish question, based on the principles of a democratic Turkey, and the only way to this is to silence the democratic politics.
DEM party Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan, had spoken ahead of the expected verdict: “Kobani Conspiracy Case is a sham, based on bogus charges. The court must deliver a verdict that truly upholds justice. Demirtaş, Yüksekdağ and all our comrades must be acquitted today”
DEM Party Europe Representation have compiled all the declarations of solidarity on May 16. We kindly ask our readers to draw our attention to the statements that we may have missed. Please send an e-mail to info(at)
⚖️The Kobanê case is one of Turkey’s largest show trials.
The Left in the European Parliament
📆In 2014, IS attacked #Kobanê in Syria.
😶Anti-IS protests in Turkey have been criminalized.
📢Today, Figen #Yüksekdağ was sentenced to 30 years, Selahattin Demirtas to 42 years!
#KobaniOnurumuzdur #Solidarity
Source: X/Twitter Account
24 representatives of @DEM_Europe have received jail sentences of between 9 & 42 years for protesting in Turkey.
Esquerra International
📢 We denounce these politically motivated trials and call for the acquittal of all detainees #KobaniCase
Source: X/Twitter Account
Tot el suport al @DemPartiKadin (@DEM_Europe) ara que ja s’ha fet pública la sentència de l’anomenat “Cas Kobane” i es torna a constatar la vulneració de drets flagrant del règim feixista d’Erdogan
CUP Països Catalans
Source: X/Twitter Account
🇹🇷 Opposition politicians Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ have been sentenced to 42 and 30 years in prison.
European Greens
🇪🇺 In 2020, the European Court of Human Rights required Demirtaş’s immediate release.
🕊️ All political prisoners in #Türkiye must be released!
Source: X/Twitter Account
Today’s injustice to #Demirtaş says why @memetsimsek tours to sell the reliability of #Turkey’s economy falls flat. Such actions& a dysfunctional judicial system undermines 🇹🇷 credibility. The cost?: No company can fully trust an environment where justice is constantly questioned
Nacho Sánchez Amor
Socialist Member of the European Parliament. AFET, DROI, JURI, INGE. Turquía. Extremadura
Source: X/Twitter Account
Solidarity with Selahattin Demirtas and @DEMGenelMerkezi!✌🏻
Nikolaj Villumsen,
Today the former HDP leader has been sentenced to 42,5 years of prison.
23 other leading DEM Party members has also been convicted in this political trial.
This has happened despite the clear ruling of the European Court of Human Rights.
EU must clearly condemn this attack on the democratic opposition in Turkey and put Erdogan under pressure to comply with his obligation to the European Human Rights Convention (@NewsEchr) and the Council of Europe (@coe)!
Urgent action and solidarity is needed!
Member of the European Parliament representing The Red-Green Alliance @Enhedslisten from Denmark.
Vice-chair @Left_EU
Source: X/Twitter Account
Das Kobanê-Fall ist einer der größten Schauprozesse der Türkei. 2014 griff der IS #Kobanê in Syrien an. Anti-IS-Proteste in der Türkei wurden kriminalisiert, über 100 angeklagt, 18 inhaftiert. Heute wurde Figen #Yüksekdağ (ehemalige HDP-Vors.) zu 30 Jahren Verurteilt. Dreißig!
Martin Glasenapp
communication & advocacy at @ECCHRBerlin
Source: X/Twitter Account
Min vän och tidigare kollega Selahattin Demirtas har dömts till mer än 40 år i fängelse. Domen är politisk och handlar om att tysta vänstern och den kurdiska rörelsen i Turkiet. Selahattin – jag kommer att kämpa för att du ska friges. En dag ska vi ses i frihet.
Jonas Sjöstedt
Source: X/Twitter Account
‼️All our solidarity ✊ with @FigenYuksekdag @hdpdemirtas and the rest of @DEMGenelMerkezi colleagues condemned in a political trial by Turkish authorities
Laura Castel Fort
Our hearts are with you ❤️
Political scientist, Senator, Vice-president @uelpace @PACE_news
Source: X/Twitter Account
Der sogenannte Kobane-Prozess, bei dem heute u.a. Selahattin Demirtaş zu 28 Jahren und 6 Monaten verschärfte Freiheitsstrafe und Figen Yüksekdağ zu 23 Jahren und 6 Monaten verurteilt wurden, war ein lächerlicher Schauprozess, in dem das Erdogan Regime ihre Verantwortung für die Bluttaten bei den Protesten gegen die IS Angriffe auf Kobane der HDP in die Schuhe geschoben hat. Insgesamt wurden 24 Menschen in diesem Schauprozess unter fadenscheinigen Begründungen verurteilt. Ich fordere sofortige Freiheit für Demirtaş, Yüksekdağ und alle politischen Gefangenen! #SelahattinDemirtaşaÖzgürlük
Özlem Alev Demirel
Member of the EU Parliament DIE LINKE (The Left)
Source: X/Twitter Account
Ein unglaublicher Skandal!
Cansu Özdemir
Die früheren Vorsitzenden der #HPD, #SelahattinDemirtaş und #FigenYüksekdağ wurden zu jahrzehntelangen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Die Unterstützung der antikurdischen Politik durch die Bundesregierung muss endlich ein Ende haben!
Co-Chair of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE Hamburg
Source: X/Twitter Account